What many people don’t realize is that you’re not stuck paying high fees to your current insurer. Simply shopping around for a new policy can help you save money every single month. This guide will explain how you can use our car insurance comparison tool to find the perfect low-cost policy for your needs.
Get rewarded for safe driving
Have you been accident-free and ticket-free since you last purchased car insurance? Chances are your current insurer hasn’t been rewarding you for your good driving behavior. If you want lower rates for safer driving, you might want to look around for a new car insurance policy.
Your current insurer might be willing to offer you a lower rate if you point out your good track record. But before you say yes to a new offer, it’s worth comparing quotes to see whether another provider can offer a better deal.
Many car insurance companies have discounts for accident-free drivers that can push your rate well below what you’re paying now. Plus, you can take advantage of monitoring programs that track aspects of your driving behavior, like how frequently you stop short or drive late at night. The more safely you drive, the lower the premiums you will end up paying with a new insurer.
Check your credit
You might be surprised to learn that many car insurers care as much about your credit score as they do about your driving record. Insurers frequently charge drivers with poor credit higher premiums than drivers with good credit. If your credit is less than stellar because of debt or a missed payment years ago, you might be paying more than you need to for car insurance.
While improving your credit is a good long-term goal, you can reduce your premiums right now by shopping around for insurance companies that won’t ding you for bad credit. Our policy comparison tool takes your credit score in to account, so you can easily find insurers that place less weight on credit if yours isn’t great.
Where you live matters
Another quirk of the car insurance industry is that rates can vary widely across state lines. An insurance company that offers the cheapest policies for your situation in one state might be the most expensive provider in another state. The differences in insurance premiums between one zip code and another within the same state can also be significant.
If you’ve moved since you last chose a car insurance provider, it’s a good idea to shop around for quotes again. Safe drivers with strong credit can save around $100 per month on average by switching providers after moving to a new city, while drivers with poor credit can save $200 or more per month. Our comparison tool can help you find the most appealing quotes for your area.
Shop around after an accident
Even if your driving record has been clean for years, your insurance premiums will almost certainly go up after an accident or ticket. But not every provider charges the same amount after the same driving incident. It’s possible that with your new driving record, your insurance is no longer the cheapest around.
So, it’s always a good idea to compare quotes after an accident or ticket to see if another provider will offer you a cheaper rate. Our comparison tool lets you compare quotes based on whether you’ve had a driving incident anytime in the past three years. Remember that you’re not stuck with your current provider just because they recently paid out a claim on your behalf.
Use quotes as leverage
Happy with your current car insurance provider? It can still be worth checking for quotes from competitors every several months. If you find a comparable policy being offered at a lower rate, you can take that quote to your current insurer and ask them to match it. Many insurers will provide you with a discount to keep you as a customer.
Save money on car insurance with our rate comparison tool
Even if you think your current insurance premiums are reasonable right now, there’s a good chance you’re overpaying for car insurance. Our car insurance comparison tool makes it easy to find the lowest monthly rate for your driving history, credit, and zip code. Comparing rates for your specific situation takes less than two minutes and can save you $100 a month or more.
If you’re ready to save on car insurance, just enter your zipcode below to get started!