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National Home Quotes Review

National Home Quotes
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National Home Quotes
National Home Quotes
Bestmoney Staff
May. 28, 2021
4 min read
BestMoney Staff
National Home Quotes Summary
National Home Quotes is an insurance provider network with partners like Liberty Mutual and Progressive Insurance, leaders in home insurance. It makes finding reasonable quotes for home insurance faster and easier than doing all the research manually. National Home Quotes also provides insurance quotes for renters, natural disasters, and personal property coverage. And NHQ even has insurance professionals to speak to live for all your questions.


  • Easy online process
  • Knowledgeable staff of professional agents
  • Wide network of trusted insurance providers


  • Doesn’t provide policies directly
  • No live chat support

National Home Quotes at a glance

Editorial score

Variety of coverage options

Full coverage for natural disasters, personal property damage and loss, theft, and structural damage

Customizable rates and services

Partially customizable plans and rates

Online experience and customer support

Fully functional site, with 24/7 communication

Quote time

Under 2 minutes

Direct Insurer?

Marketplace with direct purchase available in site

Suitable For?

National Home Quotes is a good choice for people who want to get multiple rate quotes quickly and easily. Since this is a network of home insurance providers under one roof, you can fill out one form and get multiple rate quotes in response.

What’s more, National Home Quotes has a wellspring of information for free directly on the website. So, you’re getting a good education in policies before you even browse.

What Coverage Includes

Let’s get one thing clear. National Home Quotes is not a home insurance provider. Rather, it has agents working directly with insurance providers to help homeowners get multiple rates to compare for their new policies. National Home Quotes is the middle man that pulls all the strings needed to help you save money.

National Home Quotes has a huge network of home insurance policy providers that it works with in its network. Among them are some noteworthy companies like Liberty Mutual Insurance and Progressive Insurance.

Since National Home Quotes does not provide the insurance policy directly, it also can’t stipulate what’s covered under the policy you take out. These terms will be defined by the actual home insurance provider that you choose. Coverage will vary based on each partner, but there are some basics of home insurance that all partners will cover without question. This includes property damage and liability. Let’s take a closer look at each of these policy types:

- Property damage

Property damage, also known as natural disaster coverage, is the general term for a home insurance policy that covers damage done to your home or property. There are different types of property damage, including named perils and open perils. Named perils policies will cover any damage that occurs due to specific perils or occurrences listed in your policy. Named perils can be grouped into a list of 23 hazards, generally including some of the more common ones, like fire damage, lightning damage, windstorm or hail damage, explosions, riot or civil commotions, aircraft or vehicular collision, vandalism, theft, and smoke damage.

Open perils policies are the opposite. These plans cover everything that is not listed specifically on the policy itself. So, as long as it doesn’t show up on your policy, you’ll be covered.

The standard home insurance policy covers things like your actual living space (your home or apartment) as well as other structures that are on the property. This may include a storage shed or detached gazebo. Your dwelling space will include decks, garages, and other attached structures as well.

Additionally, you can expect to get coverage for any personal belongings that are stolen or damaged by one of the covered perils. This may include furniture pieces or electronic equipment.

- Liability insurance

Briefly, liability insurance policies cover people from being sued. This insurance policy covers any medical expenses, legal fees, and possibly other expenses that arise if someone else is injured on your property or the surrounding area. It refers to bodily injuries, and it can also cover third-party damage to property depending on the policy. Personal liability insurance covers the damages that the other person endured while on your property. Liability can be purchased as a stand-alone policy or as a clause within a greater home insurance policy.

Any additional living expenses are also covered in the event that your home becomes uninhabitable. Meaning, if you need to move out of your home due to the covered peril, you will be covered for these expenses accrued during your time away from home. National Home Quotes also offers renters insurance to those who are renting and still want to be covered for things like personal property theft or vandalism.

  • Personal property
  • Property damage
  • Liability
  • Living expenses
  • Renters insurance

Additional Coverage

As with regular coverage, National Home Quotes also does not stipulate which additional coverage options are included in the policy you take out. Instead, this will be specified by the particular partner agency you work with. However, all home insurance policy providers will offer their clients the ability to purchase additional coverage for various circumstances or items. Some of the most common coverage riders (i.e., additional coverage options) include:

  • Expensive computer equipment
  • Valuable jewelry or heirlooms
  • Valuable artwork
  • Musical instruments

You can also purchase additional personal property coverage. This is a rider that gives you a higher coverage limit in the event that something is lost, stolen, or damaged. So, if your regular policy covered up to $50,000 but you feel the item is worth more, you can purchase additional coverage that will insure the item for a greater amount.

Application Process

National Home Quotes has a quick application process, but that’s just the first step. Once filled out, the application form is used to comb through the network for suitable partner providers. National Home Quotes will recommend the several partners for your situation.

Then, you’ll proceed to these partner home insurance companies to fill out the more detailed application form. When you’ve found your match, you can sign the contract and have a policy in a short time.


Once again, National Home Quotes does not provide discounts. Of course, it is a free service! But the partners within the network have several types of discounts that will help you save substantially on your home insurance policy. Some of the discounts to look out for include:

  • Bundled insurance plans
  • Alarm and safety devices
  • Quote in advance
  • New purchase
  • Pay in full
  • Receive documents by email
  • New home construction
  • Progressive contractor networks
  • Single deductibles
  • Green homes or devices

How Safe is it?

National Home Quotes is not a financial site, so there isn’t a need for strong security measures. Even still, the website uses encryption for all personal information pages. National Home Quotes also enforces industry-standard security precautions in terms of information storage and sharing.

Claims & Customer Support

National Home Quotes does not handle claims. Rather, the individual home insurance providers take care of that directly. There are dedicated hotlines for each partner that you can call in the event of a claim requirement. The staff is usually on call 24/7 to manage these claims.

In terms of customer support, National Home Quotes has both phone and email support. You can also fill out the online contact form for a fast and easy response.






National Home Quotes provides  a straightforward and easy process that allows homeowners to quickly find several home insurance policy quotes without the hassle of going down to an insurance agent. There are live professional agents you can speak to if you have any questions, though, and that's a big plus in this industry. National Home Quotes partners with big companies and is known for finding low rates for its clients.

BestMoney Staff
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Bestmoney Staff
The BestMoney.com editorial team is composed of writers and experts covering a full range of financial services. Our mission is to simplify the process of selecting the right provider for every need, leveraging our extensive industry knowledge to deliver clear, reliable advice.
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